$ ./makesure -h
makesure ver. 0.9.23
Usage: makesure [options...] [-f buildfile] [goals...]
-f,--file buildfile
set buildfile to use (default Makesurefile)
-l,--list list all available non-@private goals
-la,--list-all list all available goals
-d,--resolved list resolved dependencies to reach given goals
-D "var=val",--define "var=val"
override @define values
-s,--silent silent mode - only output what goals output
-t,--timing display execution times for goals and total
-x,--tracing enable tracing in bash/sh via `set -x`
-v,--version print version and exit
-h,--help print help and exit
-U,--selfupdate update makesure to latest version